7019820293 | info@twetor.in

Info For Teachers



What is TWE?

We connect teachers with new local and online students.

 TWE connects students with private instructors all over the country. As one of our teaching partners, you’ll create an elegant online profile, choose the subjects you teach, set your prices and availability, and bam–your opportunity for new students grows exponentially. You can choose to teach wherever you like (your home, studio, a coffee shop, library, park, etc.), including online (via video chat) or traveling to student locations. In addition to your professional profile, we also provide awesome tools to make managing your business a total breeze.

How It Works?

  • Students search for a teacher (local or online) in 300+ different subjects by going to www.twetor.in
  • Students sign up and purchase lessons with you through your TWE teaching profile
  • We handle all billing for your students and pay you weekly via direct deposit for the lessons you teach
  • Awesome, right? With TWE, you get to focus on what you do best (teaching!) and we help out with the rest. We see technology as a way to make life easier, and we’ve been building tools to support independent teachers like you.
  • Our cloud-based software is free and will help you streamline the day-to-day management of your business, including client scheduling and communication. When you need more students, tap into our marketplace and get visibility to thousands of potential new clients.

How do I get paid for the classes I teach?

Get paid weekly via direct deposit. We manage all lesson related billing for students sent to you by TWE. We remit weekly payments to your bank account via direct deposit for all classes marked during that pay period. We do not pay via check. When you set up your TWE profile and get your first student you’ll be asked to add your banking information, including your account and routing numbers. In order to receive payment from TWE you must have a valid Indian bank account. All information is stored securely, and allows for convenient electronic deposits to be sent to your account for the classes you’ve taught.

Are there any fees associated with your service?

No monthly subscription costs. There are no monthly subscriptions costs for posting your profile on TWE and getting started is 100% free. The only service fee we charge is when we deliver a paid student to you who is signed up and ready to take lessons. Once we place a student with you and you start teaching, we will automatically deduct our service fee from your earnings and remit the balance to you each week (happy pay day!). Our fee decreases over time so the more lessons you teach a student, the more you’ll earn for teaching that student (up to 90% of the student’s lesson price). For every new student you receive, you’ll receive a 10% rate increase for every 12 classes you teach, starting at 70% of that student’s course price. After your student’s 37th lesson, you’ll continually earn 90% of their course price. This rewards awesome teachers who inspire students to keep learning! We’re really excited to help you increase your earnings.

First 12 Class: 70%

13- 36 classes: 80%

37+ classes: 90%

Since you’re always in control of what you charge for your lessons, you’re also always in control of what you’ll be taking home. You can edit your prices at any time through your account.

Our background check feature is also available to all teachers at an optional cost–teachers are not required to purchase a background check to be listed on our platform. For teachers who would like to teach students under the age of 18, a background check is highly recommended.

How do I get listed on your website?

Sign up and create your free TWE profile. We would love to work with you! Getting listed on TWE is simple: sign up for your free account, complete your profile, and watch your roster grow. Sign up!

What are the requirements for being listed as a TWE teacher?

This looks like the start of a beautiful friendship…We’d love to work with you. First, make sure you meet these requirements:

  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Have a valid Aadhar card, Pan card and bank account so you can receive payments for lessons you teach
  • Teach at least one of these subjects endorsed by TWE
  • Have at least one available teaching location (online, studio location, or willing to travel to students)
  • Able to maintain available teaching hours
  • Have a valid, Mobile phone number so we can reach you

What are the technical requirements to teach online lessons?

Enjoy the convenience of teaching online lessons.

To provide the best experience possible to your students taking lessons online you will need the following tools:

  • A fast and reliable computer: This can be a desktop, laptop or tablet with Webcam, Microphone, Headphones.
  • We don’t recommend doing this with your smartphone. The faster your system is, the more reliable your connection will be.
  • Broadband/high-speed internet

TWE Live: All TWE teachers can teach their online students through TWE Live Classroom. It cost just INR 3000 for 1 Room 1 Teacher with 25 attendees and a full-fledged Learning Management System.

For all teachers, we also recommend the ability to create digital copies of lesson materials that would normally be delivered in paper form (such as practice sheets, music, etc.). This includes having access to a scanner, document editing software, and any other digital tools needed to provide a great experience. When you teach your lessons through TWE Classroom, you can share these digital materials right in Chat, and your students will be able to download or open them any time later

How do new students find me?

Students search for lessons on www.twetor.in

After you have completed your free TWE teacher profile, you will appear in our online marketplace within 24 hours. New students use the search filters on TWE.ac to find your profile and book lessons with you.


Your TWE profile increases your online exposure and your reach to new students with nationwide marketing. This listing is available to all potential new students browsing TWE.ac. The locations that you have selected during your onboarding, will determine if your profile is listed in searches for local and/or online lessons.

Your profile can include photos, videos, diverse lesson offerings, and more. Students can filter results to view teachers who are nearby, have passed a Background Check, have lots of reviews, and more.

NOTE: We do not call before placing a new student with you! Students are booked based on a teacher’s availability, so if you have it listed, and your profile is live on the site, we’ll assume you are available to teach!

Am I guaranteed to get new students?

That depends on you and the market. Every teacher’s experience on our site is different – some teachers receive new students right away and other teachers have waited several months to receive their first student. Ultimately, we aren’t able to deliver any guarantees.

This variance can be influenced by two main factors:

  • How awesome your profile is.
  • The demand for local and online lessons in your subjects

How can I show students I’m a teacher they can trust?

If your background check status is Expired or you’ve never had a background check through TWE, renew or request one now through your account for additional service cost

Are there any requirements or restrictions for where I teach?

We see the world as your classroom.

At TWE, we don’t dictate where or when you teach lessons. As an independent contractor, you can teach wherever you want as long as it’s professional and conducive to quality learning. During your account setup process, you’ll indicate exactly where you teach and whether or not you are willing to travel or teach online. You can also customize your lesson prices based on teaching location.

Are my private students required to pay for lessons through TWE?

No. Your private students do not need to pay for lessons through TWE Your private clients are not required to pay for lessons through TWE, so you may continue collecting payments directly from these students. As a reminder, we handle all payments for students provided to you through TWE. That being said, we’re happy to handle billing for your private students if you want us to. If you would like to have your private clients pay for lessons through TWE, please contact our Support team.

Help Students Find You

  • Get reviews from former students
  • Anyone you know can write a review for you

Reviews & Promotions

Reviews are typically written by current or former students who can speak about their experience when working with you. These can be students from anywhere, not just TWE. Ask them to share specific lesson experience, or teaching experience. You can also request reviews from colleagues or former employers. Ask them to share about your character and teaching expertise. This can be especially helpful if you are newer to teaching.

Get at least 4 Reviews to start

We’ve found that students need to see 4 to 6 great reviews to feel comfortable booking with a teacher. The more reviews you have, the greater your chances of attracting a new student.

Promote yourself with photos

A great profile picture will help you attract more students

Parents and students look at your profile picture to better understand who you are, and ultimately decide if they want to spend time with you each week. Your profile photo is your first chance to grab the attention of a prospective student and make a great first impression.

Tips for a winning profile photo

  • Use a recent picture that identifies you as an instructor.
  • Select a close-up picture that clearly shows your full face.
  • Use a high-resolution picture that is in focus and has good lighting.
  • Be sure to smile (headshot-style).
  • No group photos please; your main profile picture should be of you, alone. (You can add group shots to your profile here.)
  • If you teach more than one subject, pick a neutral picture that doesn’t include an instrument or prop. (Example: If you’re holding a guitar, potential piano students might pass you over.)

Pro Tip: Rotate your profile picture, and pick a new one every couple of months. This can keep your profile current, and will give you an idea of what type of picture students respond to.

Write a compelling bio statement

Students will read your biography to get a sense of who you are as a teacher and as a person. You’ll want to mention your experience and teaching philosophies, but don’t forget to include a few notes about your personality and teaching style. This is also a good place to add any special skills you may offer. We find that the most effective profile overview is written from the first person perspective, is at least 500 characters long, and keeps a friendly, personal tone.

Top characteristics of popular teachers:

  • Well-trained (including BA/BS, graduate degrees)
  • Experienced (at least 1-year teaching experience)
  • Flexible & fun-loving
  • Takes pride in helping students succeed

Things to avoid

  • For security purposes, we ask that you not include your last name or links to personal websites.
  • Contact information (phone #, email address) should not be shared until the student has signed up for lessons with you through our website. You’ll be able to see the student’s contact information- and reach out to them directly- after they sign up.
  • Special discounts (we are looking to add this feature in the near future!)
  • Specific package pricing such as rate per month or per package
  • Of course, keep the content clean and professional

Introduce yourself through videos

An introduction video is an easy way to provide potential students with a preview of your teaching style and unique personality. It’s an opportunity to stand out, highlight your skills and showcase what it would be like to work with you. A successful video doesn’t have to be long; we recommend under two minutes.

Add experience to stand out

Experience is one of the first things potential new students look for in a teacher. Be sure to add any relevant job positions, or significant gigs/performances that will help show your credibility as an instructor. For any prior jobs you’ve held in your field, describe your responsibilities, and make sure to include any major accomplishments.

Use industry-specific terms, acronyms, and jargon in your listed experience to indicate your expertise to students looking for help with related subjects. Include any additional information that helps bring your experience to life.

Add education to your profile

The Education section of your profile should establish your credentials for all potential students who consider you as their teacher. If you haven’t completed any education past high school, you should list any classes or training programs in your field, to show you are continually developing your craft.

Always list the most-recent level of education you completed, and any training in which you are currently enrolled. Don’t forget to include specific details for any accomplishments, especially if they’re directly related to the field or subjects you’re teaching.

Why do I show up in online searches, when I don’t teach online?

When students search for lessons you teach, we do our best to figure out where they are, to help match the best local teachers with them. Sometimes, our Search engine can’t figure out where the student is when they click the Search button. If the student doesn’t provide us with a ZIP code or address, we’ll display teachers for the subject they searched, who teach in what we think may be their area. Students who want online lessons will know you only teach from your home or studio when they visit your profile to book.